Lead Kids to Explore
a New World!

JELIC Believe in Education enliven Thinking.
Kids can learn effectively and creatively if they become active learners. With JELIC, kids think and grow step by step.
What is JELIC
JELIC enhances kids’ development of language, logic, mathematics, visual space, music, interpersonal relationship, reflection, body movement and other characteristics.

5 Creative Thinking &
6 Learning Domains
“Brain Power Engine” emphasizes on the development of both left and right brain, which greatly influences kids’ future characteristics and traits.

Topics of the 6 Domains
JELIC provides systematic, long-term and multi-domain courses with 59 well-sequenced topics and 450 boxes of manipulation, exploration and thinking.
Intelligent Reasoning |
A01 3D Constructs A05 Top/Bottom/Left/Right A09 Block Arrangement A13 Algebraic Counting A17 Time Telling |
A02 Inside/Outside A06 Geometric Figures A10 Property Judgement A14 What is Missing A18 Time Sequence |
A03 Area Correspondence A07 Frames/Inlays A11 Shadow Selection A15 Length Comparison A19 Location Positioning |
A04 Dot Correspondence A08 Property Combination A12 Sameness/Difference/Comparison/Contrast A16 Quantity Comparison A20 Bingo Games |
Mathematical Deduction |
B01 Threading & Reasoning B05 Dual-Property Judgement B09 Location Reasoning B13 Combination/Separation |
B02 Whole Number Separation B06 Shadow Judgement B10 Multiplication B14 Property Combination |
B03 Dot Matrix Rotation B07 Condition Selection B11 Division |
B04 Blocks Arrangement B08 Overlapping B12 Counting |
Combinational Thinking |
C01 2D Sequence C05 Direction & Counting |
C02 Property & Combination C06 Combination Sequences |
C03 Inclosure & Counting | C04 Location & Counting |
Life Skills |
D01 Transparent Templates D05 Shapes & Colors Colors, |
D02 Buying & Selling D06 X-Y Coordinates |
D03 Clock Bingo D07 Paths & Routes |
D04 Left/Right-Hand |
Linguistic Capabilities |
E01 Alphabet E05 Sentence Construction |
E02 Words & Pictures E06 Math Language |
E03 Words & Pictures | E04 Verb & Adjective |
Aesthetic Creation |
F01 Shape Association F05 Facial Expressions |
F02 Creative Shapes F06 Peg Board Games |
F03 Constructs | F04 Puzzling |
JELIC Learning Process
JELIC PSL – Personalized System of Learning
JELIC puts more emphasis on self-directed and step-by-step learning. With well-designed courses, kids will gradually gain confidence. The manipulation of teaching aids will also bring more potential and inspiration to kids.
Learning Passport
Know the current learning phase

Take out the Teaching Aids
Enhance the sense of order

Self-Learning Time
Learn to solve problems by themselves

Guide from Teachers
Help kids solve problems

Try Again
Try to solve problems again

Problems Solved
Learn effectively

Learning Process Recording
Teachers record kid learning process

Put the Teaching Aids Back
Enhance the sense of order
JELIC 5 Persistence
JELIC provides professional courses of
life application and intelligence inspiration.
Experts point out kids aged from 0 to 6 are in the golden age of brain development. Their intelligence, creativity, characteristics, confidence and morality are strongly built during this period of time.
Active Learning
JELIC puts a lot of stress on active learning instead of learning passively from teachers.

Teachers are “Leaders”
Teachers have to know and observe every kid’s need.

Learning by Doing
By finishing all the jobs by themselves, kids can learn effectively with full focus.

Systematic Courses & Personalized Teaching
JELIC provides personalized courses for every kid to meet their differences.

A Quiet and Orderly Learning Environment
Kids need a quiet and orderly learning environment to explore their interests.
Ideas for a New Education Method