About Us

MPM math
The cradle of children’s dreams
Taiwan Math franchise brand since 1987

So far, it has 489 bases in Taiwan, 29 in Singapore, 2 in Indonesia, 1 in the United States, 21 in Canada, 4 in Australia, and 4 in Malaysia, making a total of 550 bases.

It has 1,000 teachers around the world and has cultivated more than 500,000 students.

What is MPM math

MPM stands for Multi-Process and Multi-Model.

Multi-Process training goal

To develop children’s critical thinking, allowing them to solve a complex problem through simple steps.
MPM aims to help children consider complex questions through logical reasoning and inference.

Multi-Process training goal

We encourage children to solve a problem through different methods.
Training children to think about or analyze questions from different perspectives can enhance their problem-solving abilities.

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